Friday 9 September 2011

Another year another super power !

Could you imagine world peace? no homophobs? a world where noone crys or gets killed? if i could have any super power if would be to make world peace. a world where there could be lesbiean princesses with out parents getting offened with what there kids are getting exposed to. a world where people would smile about there differences instead of hate someone because there different. If i had the power to chnage the world and make world peace i would do it all in a heart beat. People dont relize how bad people are to eachother how quick someone is ot judge one another just because of there belifes or simply because they dont like what there wearing. People kill one another over drugs, mis understandings , differences or simply because there mentally ill . Imagine black and white people always getting along noone being racist , doesnt it all seem nice? some people would want super powers like being invisable or super strength ect but i think this one would be useful for everyone and not just myself it could make me the world hero.