Friday 18 March 2011

I Use to think........

I use to think that mermaids were real, unicorns could fly and that everyone got a happy ending.
But now iv come to realize that mermaids aren't real , unicorns cant fly and only the lucky ones get happy endings. When i was little i always use to wish i was a mermaid and that i had a unicorn as a pet  and pixies would flutter around me at night by a waterfall near the castle where my prince charming lived. But i soon came to realize life was not like that at all instead you could drown in water, horses were the closet things to unicorns , pixies wernt real and theres no such thing as a prince charming.  You could say i wish i lived in a fairy tale but life is not like a fairy tale at all, people die,  people hurt,cry,kill get sick so why do parents let there kids grow up thinking theres such thing as a happy ending and let them live in a world where the worst thing that happens is a princess gets locked in a tower and has to wait for her prince Charming to come rinding on a horse and rescue her. I use to think  that you could cuddle with bumble bees , Spiders were cute and dogs would never hurt anyone. I soon found out the hard way that bees aren't as cuddly as i thought ,now when i see a spider i scream and run for my life and Iv been bit by a dog more times then  can count. As you grow up your imagination fades away and reality kicks in and what you use to think isn't anymore. I believe in wishing upon a star , Santa clause ,tooth fairy's  good men and other mystical creatures, so in a way i still haven't grown up and entered reality.