Friday 9 September 2011

Another year another super power !

Could you imagine world peace? no homophobs? a world where noone crys or gets killed? if i could have any super power if would be to make world peace. a world where there could be lesbiean princesses with out parents getting offened with what there kids are getting exposed to. a world where people would smile about there differences instead of hate someone because there different. If i had the power to chnage the world and make world peace i would do it all in a heart beat. People dont relize how bad people are to eachother how quick someone is ot judge one another just because of there belifes or simply because they dont like what there wearing. People kill one another over drugs, mis understandings , differences or simply because there mentally ill . Imagine black and white people always getting along noone being racist , doesnt it all seem nice? some people would want super powers like being invisable or super strength ect but i think this one would be useful for everyone and not just myself it could make me the world hero.

Friday 20 May 2011


I Do belive that its important to be passionate about your job beacuase if you dont like your job and enjoy what your doing your not going to be as happy as you would and you'll dread going there day after day.
I know a couple adults that hate their jobs and a couple that love there jobs and the ones that love there jobs are over all more happy then the people that dont like their jobs because they actually enjoy what their doing and are happy with what there doing. As for me i have no idea what im going to do with the readt of my life i want to go to hair school after i graduate and then work on a cruise ship for a year or so cutting hair to save up money and think of something else, and you dont have to do the same thing for your whole life you can jump around and try different things so i still have a lot of time to think of what i want to do. I use to want to be a singer when i was little and i still love singing but im really bad at it so i'll save the singing for the shower, last year i was thinking about becoming an astronemer but im really bad at science and there not a certain sciecne you can take in high school for it and i dont wanna pay a lot of money to take a course on astrology and end up not liking it as much as i thought i did. But i know whatever i do im going to like it for the most part because for me if i dont like what im doing ill do it half as and ill be miserable about it so im hoping i have a job i really enjoy in my future.

Friday 18 March 2011

I Use to think........

I use to think that mermaids were real, unicorns could fly and that everyone got a happy ending.
But now iv come to realize that mermaids aren't real , unicorns cant fly and only the lucky ones get happy endings. When i was little i always use to wish i was a mermaid and that i had a unicorn as a pet  and pixies would flutter around me at night by a waterfall near the castle where my prince charming lived. But i soon came to realize life was not like that at all instead you could drown in water, horses were the closet things to unicorns , pixies wernt real and theres no such thing as a prince charming.  You could say i wish i lived in a fairy tale but life is not like a fairy tale at all, people die,  people hurt,cry,kill get sick so why do parents let there kids grow up thinking theres such thing as a happy ending and let them live in a world where the worst thing that happens is a princess gets locked in a tower and has to wait for her prince Charming to come rinding on a horse and rescue her. I use to think  that you could cuddle with bumble bees , Spiders were cute and dogs would never hurt anyone. I soon found out the hard way that bees aren't as cuddly as i thought ,now when i see a spider i scream and run for my life and Iv been bit by a dog more times then  can count. As you grow up your imagination fades away and reality kicks in and what you use to think isn't anymore. I believe in wishing upon a star , Santa clause ,tooth fairy's  good men and other mystical creatures, so in a way i still haven't grown up and entered reality.

Monday 21 February 2011

Any Superpower?

If I could have any superpower and only one I would choose to be able to read minds,  my reasoning for this  is because these days its extreamly hard to tell if someones intentions are true or if there telling the truth and with the power of mind reading  you would be able to tell if there lying to you or not. Sure there might be more intesne super powers but i would injoy knowing if im getting lied to or if someones trying to hurt me. And you could also use it to help others for example you could help the police find the inncocent and guilty so less inncocent people get thrown behind bars. Also it would be kind of interesting to know what goes through peoples heads sometimes and you could say that would be an invastion of privacy but a super power is a super power. I know i wouldnt want someone to be able to read my every thought it would kind of creep me out but if i knew they wouldnt tell anyone. Someone with this super power would have to be extreamly trust worthy because lets get real theres some things that go through peoples heads that noone really needs to know  but what if this super power aloud them to filter certain thoughts , and only allow them to read  the majourity of thoughts. All in all i would love having this power it would sure be helpful in some situations and humuroes in other and maybe even plain disturting but  thats the price you would pay.